Thursday, February 5, 2015

The beginning of the end...

I can see the end in sight and of course my cravings for chocolate and chips have come roaring back. Most of that can probably be attributed to my riding the express train to PMS Land. This makes me want to stuff my face constantly for two days straight. I was good tonight and stuck with fresh fruit, dried fruit, and nuts. Although, I almost beat up a coworker for his sandwich at lunch today. I'll have to stock up the pantry for the weekend to keep my mouth filled with good stuff.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Ah, yes, that lovely time when food is the sworn enemy. I have trouble with chocolate, too, but oddly enough, SALT is my worse craving... But keep the good stuff around, that makes it much easier to avoid the bad stuff. Unless you bring it in, "just in case Husband wants something". Um. Yes, I actually thought this might work.

It does not... sigh...